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At 4fans we removed subscriptions to enable both Fans and Creators to have a more personal experience.
Our Fans can sign up and follow as many Creators as they want for free, enjoy their free posts, and only purchase the content that they really like (and when we say free we mean free. We don’t ask for your credit card information to see free content). Fans can see all Creators and start chatting with them whenever they want.

We know that people like to explore, especially with adult content. That’s why our Search option has so many functionalities. Fans can search for Creators (by their username, location) or search for specific types of content by keywords. Sometimes we don’t know what we really like, until we see it, so we suggest you explore our Search option, and find new things to like.

We are not just a content sharing platform, we want to help our Creators in their career. That’s why we are the best place for someone who is new to the adult content sharing business. There are a lot of possibilities for Creators to grow their following on 4fans. First, all Fans can see and find you. Second, we bring traffic to your profile and do marketing for you. And third, we give tips to our Creators on how to create better posts and become successful on our platform.

If you are a Creator, we will deposit in your account seventy-five percent (75%) of all monies earned on purchases associated with your account.

4Fans Helpful Blog Content

How to sell nudes

Lately, every time we open a news portal there’s a story about how some famous person, usually a known female influencer, has earned millions by…

5 steps to start earning

Here are some tips on how to set up your profile, attract followers and earn more money.  1. Good profile picture This is very important because…

Top Creators tips – Messaging (part I)

We asked our top Creators, who earned most of their money from chatting with Fans, about some tips, here’s what they have said….

Why adult content sharing platforms are better than porn

In 2020. a real boom of adult content sharing platforms happened. If you haven’t heard of them, you are probably still watching old fashion porn…

Why good free content is important

Everyday Fans are looking for new Creators to follow and spend money on. The only way for Fans to find Creators is in search…

How to engage Fans

1. Respond to under post comments Always respond to comments under your posts. Sometimes Fans are shy and they need stimulation to start talking to you…